
Walker is a great racecar driver. He was born of the grandstands and is on his way to winning all the big races when a little boy runs out on the track during a race. Walker hits the boy, kills him, and decides to retire from racing, and from driving in general. But he doesn't tell anybody about his decision, not even his wife.

Walker's wife, Penny Driver, writes car advertising for a big agency. She gets around everywhere with her car, as does almost everybody else in the world of Modern Minneapolis. For her, driving is a way to get at the Dream of a Feeling, the dream that has haunted her nights from her earliest years, the dream that she wants to experience just as vividly during the day.

Walker and Driver's friends Livius and Tracia Manghanger also drive everywhere. Livius even produces and hosts a drive-time radio show from his dashboard on his daily commute to his other job.

In this world of Minneapolis, cars hunt down pedestrians and drive over them; it is accepted sport. Walker's decision not to drive could have all kinds of repercussions, but he goes ahead with it, keeping it a secret, and finding all the secret pathways to walk to get to his job at the speedway.

He uses his deep knowledge of wily pedestrianism to help other pedestrians. He holds secret Pedestrian Defense workshops, and leads other walkers around in the arts of non-detection. But even with his best efforts, pedestrians are still mowed down until Walker is the last one left, and he ends up as a holy man on top of the Wreckage Mountain, a vast tower of steel made up of all the car crashes of all of the cars in the world.

Read Part One

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